Introduction of Spiritual

     Spiritual is a dynamic way to know the exact life and world.Consisting of spirit, not material, incorporeal,a spiritual substance or being. "It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.
It pertaining to the intellectual and higher endowments of the mind, mental, intellectual.It pertaining to the moral feelings or states of the soul, as distinguished from the external actions, reaching and affecting the spirits. "God's law is spiritual, it is a transcript of the divine nature, and extends its authority to the acts of the soul of man.".It pertaining to the soul or its affections as influenced by the Spirit, controlled and inspired by the divine Spirit, proceeding from the Holy Spirit, pure, holy, divine, heavenly-minded,opposed to carnal. which are spiritual, restore such an one. Not lay or temporal, relating to sacred things, ecclesiastical as, the spiritual functions of the clergy, lords spiritual and temporal, a spiritual corporation..

Spiritual growth

      Spiritual growth is broad enough to encompass both the idea that the ultimate truth can be discovered from a complete group of strangers at an AA meeting, as well as from your own internal stillness while meditating in your living room. It is the quest of every recovering drug addict and alcoholic, whether they realize it or not. But the problem is that so many of us have preconceived notions of what “spiritual” mean, and some of us have a limiting belief system in place that makes it harder for us to grow spiritually. We might think that growing spiritually means that we have to become more religious. Or that we have to engage in certain practices like daily prayer and meditation. What’s more, many recovering addicts have some emotional baggage associated with these ideas, and thus are hesitant to approach the subject of spiritual growth with an open mind. Imagine the depth and added knowledge that comes when, say, a Christian priest studies eastern philosophy, or even Native American spirituality. The new knowledge doesn’t take away from the priest’s Christian belief set….instead he notices overlaps and similarities and thus experiences a strengthening of core spiritual principles that seem to keep popping up as he studies. This is the power of opening your mind to new spiritual ideas, philosophies, or even religions. In AA they have a saying: “take what you need and leave the rest.” Apply this to spiritual and religious concepts as well and you will find a whole new world to explore that can open you up to spiritual growth. Spirituality is a lens through which you perceive the world. It helps us to explain our reality and can provide a guide for living. For many of us, spirituality also speaks of how the universe works and tries to explain what are role in the world is. Therefore, spiritual growth must be the progression of how we see the world. It is the evolution of our consciousness. How we see and frame events in our minds changes over time, hopefully for the better. After even more spiritual growth, you might experience an even closer connection with those who are struggling, and can see that people who are acting out, behaving badly, or just generally failing miserably at life are actually doing the best that they can with the resources available to them–just like you have always done in your life. You feel true compassion for them and have an intuitive sense of when to offer your “experience, strength, and hope,” and when to hold back and allow them learn from natural consequences. Life becomes a learning experience and a series of lessons and we can see that others are on a similar path. We use our intuition to guide us when attempting to help them, and some will also use prayer and meditation in this way too. So you can see that spiritual growth is a progression of sorts. Specifically, it is the evolution of how we perceive the world and different situations. Furthermore, spiritual growth is all about what we do with those perceptions of the world. The trend is towards a more positive outlook on things, as well as the shift towards learning from experiences and also helping others. As we grow spiritually, the emphasis on learning continuously increases. Everything becomes a source of knowledge; a way to refine our belief system. We stay flexible and open-minded so that we are always ready to take in new knowledge.


      Spiritualism is a monotheistic belief system or religion, postulating a belief in God but not an anthropomorphic one. A distinguishing feature is the belief that spirits of the dead residing in the spirit world can be contacted by "mediums", who can then provide information about the after life. Spiritualism developed and reached its peak growth in membership from the 1840s to the 1920s, especially in English-language countries,By 1897, it was said to have more than eight million followers in the United States and Europe, mostly drawn from the middle and upper classes, while the corresponding movement in continental Europe and Latin America is known as Spiritism. The religion flourished for a half century without canonical texts or formal organization, attaining cohesion by periodicals, tours by trance lecturers, camp meetings, and the missionary activities of accomplished mediums. Many prominent Spiritualists were women. Most followers supported causes such as the abolition of slavery and women's suffrage.By the late 1880s, credibility of the informal movement weakened, due to accusations of fraud among mediums, and formal Spiritualist organizations began to appear.Spiritualism is currently practiced primarily through various denominational

Who are The Spiritual

       In a different part of the world you may witness a group of thugs robbing an elderly couple of their possessions, beating them up and finally killing them. The gang lives by their rules of violence and is devoted to them - can any of them be spiritual?   In a remote part of a third world country, natives move out of their huts early in the morning and begin their day scratching the earth for tubulars. The men are out hunting for food, while the children gather berries and firewood. They stay in tightly knit groups and sing songs and laugh. Around the community fire they tell stories of their elders and of the white men who have come to their country to change their way of life - are these spiritual people?   In New York, Tokyo or Toronto, people are getting up late and rushing through their morning, missing breakfast, so they are not late for the commute. Maybe the couple might kiss each other goodbye on the way out and give some hurried instructions to the kids as they race out the door. They may not be aware of whom their neighbours are as they pass them in the elevator or along the side walk; they are just faces along way. They no longer notice the graffiti on many of the buildings and the garbage they trip over each morning. Their eight hour working day turns into 12 hours after the commute and a quick trip to the grocery store before heading home. They rush through making supper, tell the kids not to be out to late; then settle down in front of the tube. Are these people spiritual?   So what is the difference between these groups spiritually? Why are some looking to be spiritual? Who are the ones that demonstrate what natural spirituality is, and why do some spend so much time looking for it? What is so special about being spiritual that we talk so much about it and devote so little time to it; and when we do, it's a paid performance? Have the Buddhist monks found the way? Are the natives more inclined than the Western World?   The truth is that none of them are more or less spiritual than the others. Everyone is born spiritual. We are spirit by nature and therefore everything we do is spiritual. As a species we try too hard to be what we already are. Along the way someone has told us that this is how it should be and we believed them. We are born spiritual beings and as we grow up people tell us that we are not and that we have to become spiritual. The difference between the groups is in knowing ones connection between each other and their environments. If one is spiritual (which we are) then he does not have to think about it. If he/she is thinking about it, then somewhere locked in the back of his mind, he believes he is not. A spiritual person does not think about being or acting spiritual; they are themselves. It is the simple mind that is more aware of his/her spirituality. The more we think about being spiritual the further we move away from the experience of being spiritual.   Many people think that being religious is being spiritual - it is not! Religion is man's attempt to explain spirituality. You don't have to be religious to be spiritual; in fact you can't help but be spiritual.  So what is the advantage of being spiritually aware, and what is the nature of spirit and spirituality? The spirit which is the medium between body and mind is the servant of the ego. What the mind can perceive the spirit will conceive. In the awareness of being spiritual our lives become simpler, we make better choices and we tend to live in abundance. Abundance comes in many forms, not just physical abundance.   In being spiritually aware we move in harmony with our destiny or purpose in life. And as we move with spirit we lose our fear of death and of the afterlife. Death becomes a welcomed and earned new beginning. Peace of mind is our reality not a goal.

A Path To Spiritual Enlightenment

spirits of the forest Pictures, Images and Photos  
     Today’s contemporary world is mired in widespread chaos. War, poverty and disease exist all over the planet. Even if those issues do not affect one’s life personally, there is still uncertainty and concern about safety, financial stability, and personal fulfillment. People are always seeking the path toward a more meaningful existence, and many have taken notice of the message and work of spiritual Master, Swami Vishwananda. From the island of Mauritius, Swami Vishwananda was born in 1978. Even as a child, he was inspired by spirituality and religion, and early on, he realized that his purpose in life was to provide help to others through his teachings. He offers, as well as teaches, the spiritual techniques, exercises and practices that can help people move toward a more internally fulfilling path.   In this series, called Spiritual Pathways, I'm going to talk about all of the things that we have learned about on spiritual journey. These include: ~ meditation ~ Reiki ~ Tarot ~ Feng Shui ~ Buddhism ~ Yoga ~ Dream Interpretation ~ Astrology ~ Spiritual Development ~ And more…

The Effects Of Spiritual Healing

    The common spiritual healing sessions last for a maximum of one hour and healing can be received sitting on a chair or lying on a treatment couch. The session will make the person feel relaxing and most healers offer soothing music along with the pleasant, dim light of a candle. The treatment begins by giving the client the choice of “hands on” or “hands off”. Then the healing continues from the head and will be gradually worked down to the feet. Spiritual healing mainly concentrates on working with the energy centers of the body and paying attention to any specific areas that need extra rejuvenation. As the spiritual healing deals with energy is said to be as Energy Healing. People will often feel various sensations, such as tingling, heat, cold or nothing at all. Whatever feeling the person gets, at the end of a session most people will feel very relaxed and centered.The benefits of Spiritual Healing:Spiritual Healing Pictures, Images and Photos   
     The benefits of spiritual healing cannot be explained in simple paragraphs. Spiritual Healing can help with most of the human problems as it is a complimentary treatment. Physical problems, such as aches and pains, arthritis, broken bones, and mental problems like depression and stress can be treated with the spiritual healing programs. There are some healers who are helping cancer patients to overcome the side effects of chemotherapy. Healing is beneficial for mind balancing and spirit to maintain well being.Alternative treatments in healing cancer:   Alternative treatments like spiritual healing and prayer are increasingly popular (especially among patients with life-threatening diseases such as cancer). According to theories of spiritual healing, it influences living cells to stimulate the recipient's conscious awareness of the healer's intention. Spiritual healing can implement the thought in the patient’s mind that the disease can be healed very quickly.

What are the spiritual benefits of meditation and vegetarianism

     By choosing to be a vegetarian or trying a system of meditation you will be exploring a bit more afield. There is always the concern that the distance will become too great and you will find that you have moved to a new place. If you are prepared for that possibility then you should also know that you are not the first or the last but it is an individual choice of what is best for you. I have been a vegetarian for more years than I have not There are many different forms of being a vegetarian depending upon both what you allow and your reasons for being a vegetarian. You can look elsewhere for the first (1&2), I will mention the second as it relates to your initial question. Those who choose to be a vegetarian for reasons of economy, politics, taste, health, society, environment or culture may exclude any spiritual reasons. If one becomes a vegetarian for moral, religious, or ethical reasons there is more likely to be a spiritual component. For the Orthodox Christian being a vegetarian if only occasionally is compared to fasting. "Fasting is seen as purification and the regaining of innocence. Through obedience to the Orthodox Church and its ascetic practices, the Orthodox Christian seeks to rid himself or herself of the passions, or the disposition to sin."2 The East has a very different perspective. "Sin" is not really a factor. Consciousness is more important. I think our famous Star Wars writer must have gotten his idea of "the force" from the Eastern concept of consciousness. Some people will talk of "vibrations." The disturbance of the often required death of an animal to supply food is considered not beneficial for the spiritual seeker. You might find similar ideas in Islam and the Jewish faiths and their special requirements. Being a vegetarian attempts to avoid that disturbance. Pictures, Images and Photos
     But the real question is how important is this for the overall progress of the seeker. I would suppose it depends upon the seeker rather than the path. It may be similar to the way that some people seem so personally strong that they laugh at comments about them that would wilt another. Some seem to have weaker "spiritual constitutions" than others. Some people have described feeling lighter, with more energy, but it is hard to discern if this is a physical or a spiritual effect. My opinion is that it is both. Spiritual practices, like meditation, are a way to build up that "spiritual constitution." I have recently discussed the distinction between the spiritual practices of prayer, concentration and meditation in another question posted by Phae. 3 Your question is much more difficult. Again benefits will vary from person to person. Benefits may also be only received after a long time for some people. It does not necessarily follow that something else will be quicker. What exactly is a "spiritual benefit" compared to a psychological or personality benefit. I am not sure most of us could easily discern the difference. If we accept that the spiritual side of most of us is "hidden" from easy viewing, then the same may be said of spiritual benefits. But it does seem to be true that some people seem to have an unseen glow about them. You might want to be around them, to listen to what they have to say… If you are not in love or being seduced it may be something else. I have heard this comment often (some kind of inner glow) after I have introduced people who do not meditate to friends of mine who do. Others are answering to physical, psychological, personality or emotional benefits, but you didn’t ask and I won’t respond as I think that is a different question. With respect to occult power, opening chakras and the like I am of the opinion that this is also unrelated and potentially a hinderance to spiritual progress.